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专利 成果

Ansgar Poetsch

来源:        2020-08-10

工作单位Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao)

通讯地址:No.168, Wenhai Middle Road, Jimo District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China



Bioanalytics, Biotechnology, Microbiology


1. Sigal4NRG – Sino German Lab for Algal Bioenergy Contract pending,Collaborative /Infrastructure project,funder German Ministry for Research & Education,2017-2022,650K€.

2. SysMetEx, Systems Biology of acidophile biofilms for efficient metal extraction, Contract 031A600B,Joint European Research Project, funder German Ministry for Research & Education,2015-2018,450K€.

MetaZyme – a new approach for the kinetic analysis of metabolic pathways Contract 031 5630,Junior Group Research Award, funder German Ministry for Research & Education,2009-2013,1550K€.



Academic achievements:

1. Elucidation of key metabolic reactions and enzymes in sphingolipid biosynthesis in the yeast W. ciferrii (papers 16+18)

2. Pathways and physiological adaptions of microorganisms for the consumption of aromatic carbon sources (papers 17+21)

3. Role of proteolysis and membrane proteases for stress adaptation of microorganisms (papers 6+19)

4. Lifestyle of acidophilic microorganisms, i.e.. biofilm formation, salt stress adaptation, carbon metabolism (papers 12+13+20)

5. Mechanism of signal transduction and identification of novel members of sperm signal transduction for sea urchin and mammals (papers 4+5+8+10+14)

6. Scrutinization of the free radical theory of aging for oxidative stress in mitochondria (papers 3+11+23)


1. One of the first groups to combine absolute quantification of the in vivo amount of an enzyme and its substrate/product to establish a metabolic network model (papers 16+18)

2. Established versatile technology to obtain protein synthesis and degradation rates on the global scale (paper 22)

3. Established proteomics method to achieve the so far most comprehensive coverage of oxidative protein modifications for mitochondria (paper 3) and first to report method for absolute quantification of tryptophan oxidation in proteins (paper 23)

4. First to use an isotope-labeled membrane protein for absolute membrane protein

quantification (paper 10)

5.Combination of cytomics and proteomics method was developed for C. glutamicum (paper 1) and Nannochloropsis (to be published), paving the way for planned works about microbial communities at QNLM

Academic value & paper citation:

1. Pathways and physiological adaptions of microorganisms for the consumption of aromatic carbon sources: major academic value was to identify the enzymes/pathways activated for degradation, given that several theoretical possibilities and often orthologs exist in the genome (citation sum of all works is 18)

2. The discovered membrane protease targets in archae are a novel indication (not reported for other organisms, e.g. plants) that enzyme amounts in pigment synthesis pathways are regulated by proteolysis. Related works showed that during heat stress adaptation of microorganisms they do not invest energy into degradation of misfolded proteins, but rather try to compensate it with novel protein synthesis and dilution (citation sum of all works is 9)

3. The highly detailed information about oxidative protein damage during ageing contradicts the free radical theory for ageing (accumulation molecular damage). Rather it shows that organisms have found many strategies to cope with increase of oxidative stress to prevent or eliminate permanent damage to biomolecules (citation sum of works is 21)

4. My pioneering works for the proteome of bioleaching bacteria identified several novel proteins involved in important physiological functions, most important was probably the identification of key players for biofilm formation on minerals that explains the variety of processes necessary for successful mineral colonization and ore leaching (citation sum of all works is 40)

5. Own contributions to sperm chemotaxis were required for the identification of novel protein components of the signaling cascade, determination of receptor density on the sperm surface and signal complex composition. Altogether, these findings are of fundamental importance to understand how nature evolved chemotransduction systems, often working at the physical detection limit (citation sum of all works is 56)

Economic and social benefits:

1. A key enzyme for sphingolipid biosynthesis in yeast was identified, which is required for lipid export. This is important for the design and increase of lipid production and secretion in yeasts. It has been patented (patent 2)

2. Studies of microbial communities used for ore leaching in biomining revealed that presence of one species in the community is detrimental for the leaching process and thus this species should be avoided / suppressed. It has been filed for patenting (patent 1)

3. Novel proteins involved in mammalian sperm chemotaxis are of interest for the improvement of in vitro fertilization or contraception (paper 5+14)
